For the sake of transparency, we’ve added a breakdown of exactly where your donations are going.

Most of this is fairly self-explanatory. The total build budget for PAISLEY includes the parts and labor (ie what you would expect to pay if we were building this car for you). This includes a parts component of approximately $32,500, a base vehicle purchased for $1,600 (donated by MetalMorphosis Customs), and the labor component, which is conservatively based on 760 hours at $45/hour (also donated by MetalMorphosis Customs). No parts have been donated at this stage, but we will update this if they are.

All ancillary costs have been covered by MetalMorphosis Customs. This includes the hosting fees for this website (for 12 months), payment to a third party artist for the renderings of the car design, and a small amount of advertising.

Income is shown at the bottom, minus the merchant fees at an average of 3.5% (this is money that PayPal or Stripe charges us), and minus the build costs, which leaves a total of approximately $15,782 to be donated to the Foundation 18 Orphanage (Yayasan Dharma Sadana).

Bottom Line - Costs 68% / Charity component 32% of Donations

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Who is Foundation 18?

  • Please see the information panel at the bottom of the home page, for information about F18.

How do you know they are a legit organisation?

  • Because I started the organisation myself. Literally from the first day. I showed up in Indonesia in 2010 with a plan and left 16 days later with an orphanage, and legal guardianship of my first Balinese child. I have continued to run the operation, initially from Australia, and since 2018 from the USA.

Why don’t you support an Australian/American Charity?

  • Because the one I own and fund is in Indonesia. If you want to support an Australia or American charity, that’s cool, you can put your money anywhere you like. This particular fundraiser is for an orphanage in Indonesia, full of very deserving children who would otherwise be living on the street.

Is this a scam?

  • Honestly, I don’t even know how to answer this. If it was a scam, would I tell you? If you’re sceptical about the promotion, I’m not going to beg you to donate. I’ve been running this humanitarian project for over a decade now, I’m kinda over the point where I feel the need to justify our operation. We would really like to be able to run this promotion every year, but it will depend on the success of this one. It’s a lot of work, but we get to feed hungry kids AND give someone an epic car.

What’s in it for you?

  • Sometimes people just do things for the greater good, it’s hard to believe, I know. That being said, our motivation for running this promotion is threefold

    1. I’ve been shouldering about 70-80% of the cost of running an orphanage for over a decade. This is an excellent way for us to lessen the burden.

    2. This is an awesome way for MetalMorphosis Customs to be able to showcase what we are capable of. While the business has been around for many years, this is only the first year of it being our full time job. While we won’t make anything out of this build financially, we hope that the project will help us reach a wider audience, and hopefully bring in more business in the longrun.

    3. We freakin’ LOVE building badass cars, and we love the VW community. While it’s a very stressful undertaking, we are ridiculously excited about handing over the keys to someone who will hopefully love her as much as we do, and who might not have ever been able to own such a beautiful car otherwise.